International Students Inc. - Bloomington-Normal, Illinois
Host Family Request
Free Furniture
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Prayer Requests
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Host Family Interest Form
Furniture Donation
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Transportation and Temporary Home-Stay Signup Form
*Please note that this program provides
housing (1-3 days). You should secure long-term housing before arrival as apartments fill quickly.
Personal & Contact Information
Indicates required field
Family Name (Last)
Given Name (First)
Country of Citizenship
Which College will you attend?
Illinois State University
Heartland Community College
Illinois Wesleyan University
Other, please explain at the end of form
Area of Study/Major
*Please make sure you enter a valid email address as this is the only way we can contact you
Do you already have long-term housing arranged for the semester?
Lease start date, please use month/day/year format
Name of Rental Company
What do you need?
I plan to arrive a few days before the new student orientation. I would like transportation and a home-stay with an American family for 1-3 days.
I would only like free transportation to my apartment or motel when I arrive.
Arrival Information in Bloomington-Normal
*Please note that we do not provide transportation from Chicago to Bloomington but can help you once you arrive in town. If you need help traveling from Chicago to Bloomington, some helpful information can be found
Arrival Date in Bloomington-Normal (mm/dd/yyyy)
Arrival Time in Bloomington-Normal (hh:mm am/pm)
How will you arrive in Bloomington-Normal?
Airport (Please specify below)
Peoria Charter Bus
Amtrak Train
Other (Please explain below)
Airline Name (If arriving to Bloomington-Normal by airplane)
Flight Number (If arriving to Bloomington-Normal by airplane)
Do you have any allergies, food restrictions, or preferences concerning pets in the home? Please explain.
Other Comments